Can Yerba Maté Tea Improve the Look of Your Skin?

Age Spots

Did you know that there is an enzyme that is linked to age spots and sun spots? Yerba Mate Tea works on that enzyme and lessens its effect. So, when you drink yerba mate, you might see less aging and discoloration.


Because yerba mate is a powerful antioxidant, it reduces puffiness in the skin.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

The antioxidant effect also works on lines on the face, the classic sign of aging.

UV Damage

The Vitamin C in the yerba helps supports the skins effort to protect itself from UV damage.

Redness and Ruddiness

The Tumeric in our DETOX blend helps the skin immensely. It helps reduce the redness caused by inflammation.

In addition to the yerba, good skin comes from whole real foods that nourish and encourage moisture in the skin. You will also want to drink water throughout the day (not flavored water!) starting with warm lemon water in the morning.  It is true that good skin starts from the inside. To find out more about our blends, or if you are ready to order, go to our site.